Ritual Arts is a professional tattoo studio where infection control is top priority.

Our instruments are sterilized, needles are single use only, and our pigments are state approved. A new tattoo OR PIERCING is a sacred addition to your body. follow these instructions for a quick+safe healing process.



  • Wash your hands before you touch your piercing.

  • To heal your piercing we suggest you use a non-iodized sea salt soak or sterile saline wound wash twice a day, every morning & every night (1/4 teaspoon per 8oz of warm filtered/bottled water). 5-10 minutes soak/compress time.

  • If using soap on the piercing, we prefer diluted castile soap (Baby mild Dr. Bronner’s).

  • Do not use any harsh cleansers/chemicals on the piercing (Betadine, Hibiclens, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, Bactine, Dial soap, etc) as these may cause damage on a cellular level. Please, do not apply any ointments. The consistency of ointment can block out oxygen, a needed element of healing!

  • During the healing process of your piercing do not play with it, tug on it, rotate it, or hang anything heavy from it. It is easy to absentmindedly touch your new jewelry, please be mindful of this.

  • Other peoples body fluids should not come in contact with the piercing.

  • No lakes, rivers, streams, hot springs/tubs, swimming pools, saunas, etc.  for at least 4 weeks or until healed.

  • Do not touch it! Don’t let anyone else touch it! Hands get very dirty without us even realizing! If it must be touched, please wash your hands properly before and after any contact.

  • Remember that in piercing you, we have created a wound and it is normal to have inflammation and swelling around the piercing. Bleeding, scabbing, & crusting is part of the healing process.

  • When you are ready to change out your jewelry please feel free to come back to the studio, and we would be more than happy to either show you how to change it on your own or change it for you.



    • Wash your hands thoroughly before touching your piercing, even casually.
    • Compress/soak (lip,philtrum,labret,Monroe) with non-iodized sea salt 2-3 times a day for 5-10 min each time.

    • After you eat, drink (other than water), or smoke anything rinse with a non-alcohol based mouthwash. Ritual Arts, LLC prefers Tom’s of Maine, Jason Organics, and some Tea Tree Oil rinses

    • Rinse with ¼ teaspoon of non-iodized sea salt per 8oz of warm water periodically throughout the day

    • Ice allowed to melt in the mouth, bromelain on an empty stomach, and Turmeric capsules are known to reduce inflammation and swelling

    • Do not play with or tug on your new piercing

    • No tongue kissing or oral sex until healed completely.

    • Remember that in piercing you, we have created a wound and it is normal to have inflammation and swelling around the piercing. Bleeding, scabbing, & crusting is part of the healing process.


    links for more in-depth piercing aftercare:
